Is DBMS Worth Using?

    The DBMS consists of five functions. Data definition, data manipulation, data security and integrity, data recovery and concurrency and data dictionary. Data definition is the first thing we do when structuring our databases. We will proceed first with our design view, we put the field name, data type or data format together with the record structure and file structure. Data definition's function is to put clearly defined data within our databases. After data definition, data manipulation comes in. Data manipulation already has the three major operations: add, edit or delete that basically gives you freedom to do whatever you want with the data. Data security and integrity has the function to secure your data with the connection of one entity to another through using the primary key or the ID. Data recovery and concurrency deals with the capability of recovering the data which is also known as data back-up. Lastly, the data dictionary. The data dictionary focuses on the records on our particular field.

    DBMS consists of seven advantages. Reduced data redundancy, data integrity, data independence, data security, data consistency, easier use of data and less storage. Reduced data redundancy avoids creating multiple copies of data because the DBMS keeps track of the id in which it would only make a single copy of the given data. Data integrity pertains to the certainty of the changes of that single copy of the given data. Automatically since we have the link or connection, we can use these to our primary key. With the records as valid, truth and correct. Since the entities can stand alone, data independence helps us to improve the quality of the data because it enables the user to easily make modifications where the fata is undamaged or undivided. Using the links and connections, the data is more secured because we have a unique identifier for each record. Because of the validity of the records, data consistency is maintained in our database environment. Using the ID, the data is unique meaning one primary key or ID is pertaining to one record only. Since we have the ID, data is easier to use in the database environment. Unlike tot he flat database where we don't have any ID at all, it'll be harder to find the particular data. The first advantage which is the reduced data redundancy helps the database to occupy lesser storage space.

    DBMS consists of seven disadvantages. Complexity, expense, vulnerability, size, training costs, compatibility and locking-in of technology. Using DBMS is a complex thing because of the database connection and the capability of the user to use the Microsoft Access and other programming languages. Since Microsoft Access is a licensed software, to use the DBMS, the installation of the Microsoft access and its databases requires expenses. The data in a database is stored in a particular location in the system and if the hardware component fails or if the software does, the data will be harder to recover especially if it has not undergone data backup recovery that is why DBMS is also vulnerable. Using Microsoft Access in terms of size, it is a disadvantage in a sense that if the records exceed in the database there is a tendency that the the Access and the database might crash down. In order for a person to use the DBMS the business/company should first invest to the training costs that they should spend their money to for the reason that, their employees should be provided with the knowledge of knowing how to get their job done and this won't be possible if the firm they are working at won't teach them at all. Compatibility is also a disadvantage to using the DBMS. Because most of the time when creating the system project, Microsoft Access isn't the only thing we have to use because we have to use other programming languages already. If the client decides to change something within their business, it is the database administrator's part to modify the database per se, even redesign everything in the system back to square one.


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